Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm currently reading the novel Nineteen Minutes. Jodi Picoult is the author of this novel.  I have really enjoyed reading this book so far and if you haven't read it yet I suggest you consider it. It is about a school shooting that takes place in your average town.  The cause of the act is under investigation as to why this happened. A conclusion of why it happened was bullying.  Do you think bullying is an issue?  If yes, what do you suggest we do to solve it?


  1. I really think that bullying is a problem, and that is really sad. Bullying is not only a problem in stories about school shootings, but also in our town, and many surrounding towns. People are picked on for being who they are. Why can't we all just be who we are, and be accepted for that. To stop bullying will be a very hard problem, but if you see bullying happen, stick up against it. If you just stand there and don't say anything at all, it is just as bad as being the bullier. You need to stick up for the person getting picked on. You may indeed then be the one getting bullied, but then hopefully someone will stick up for you. Or maybe you are strong enough to stick up for yourself. Bullying is a problem that needs to be stopped because it has led to so many suicides, and many depression cases. It needs to be stopped.

  2. Yes, of course bullying is an issue. It's just a way for a lot of kids to release anger because maybe they're stressed or they've been abused, or in some rare cases they're just being a dick. But, it is never a joke and has led to many people (vitcims) becoming depressed and becoming isolated which is a bad combo. This combo is a high rate to suicide in school years and has to be put to a stop. The only problem is it's so harded to detect who a bully is or if a child is being bullied. It just seems impossible to dig your way out of.

  3. Yes, I think bullying is a serious problem is today's society. Bullying doesn't just happen in person anymore. It now happens on the phone and even over the computer. Some people face bullies every hour of their life and can never escape the humiliation. I think that is horrible. I think bullying is wrong and needs to be taken care off. I think everyone needs to stop worrying about being "cool" or whatever it is they think they are and mind their own business. If you think you are better than someone else than keep it to yourself. If you're going to bully, you will just make yourself look more self concious and make it look like you need to bring others down to better yourself. Everyone needs to realize this and start sticking up for those that are being bullied.

  4. I believe that bullying is an issue and will probably always be an issue. It stinks, but that's life. Everyone is judgemental. Even if you don't think you are, chances are, you judge. While I don't think anything can be done to stop this, I do think that we need to stick up for people and tell bullies to knock it off. People need to stop being scared of the bully and tell them to lay off. Bullying is so hurtful no matter the severity of it.

  5. I think bullying is a huge issue, but there's not really anything you can do to stop it. You can try really hard and punish people for it, but not everyone is going to report it. You can't always catch who's actually bullying people. If you do catch someone they might get even more mad at the victim and end up bullying them worse. There's just always going to be people who bully, you can't really stop it.

  6. I really think bullying is actually a huge issue, even in the Marshall schools. Yes everyone may not see it but it is happening all around you. I really feel that if everyone around takes a stand maybe it will slove the problem. Teach everyone that it's not ok and no one likes bully's it will stop.
